The Hk Prize – A New Award For Authors of Books That Contribute to Global Hong Kong Studies

hk prize is a new award designed to recognize authors whose books make contributions to global Hong Kong studies, created and sponsored by SHKS, the Society for Hong Kong Studies in conjunction with ICAS (International Convention of Asia Scholars). Part of ICAS Book Prize family, this inaugural global Hong Kong Studies competition seeks to establish Hong Kong as an academic field of study worldwide.

Hong Kong athletes have access to some of the most renowned sporting events, requiring great dedication for success. Their efforts can pay off in form of significant prize money – for example, gold medalists receive up to HK$12 Million as prize money which helps cover living costs and expenses; teams receive double this amount.

The Board of the BOCHK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION PRIZE serves as the ultimate decision-making body of this award, reviewing and interpreting its charter; suggesting important scientific research fields; appointing members of both Review Committee and Compliance Oversight Team; setting requirements for nominating experts, verifying and approving final review results as well as other pertinent matters.

The Board’s goal is to conduct THE PRIZE’s operation professionally, objectively and fairly. An independent review procedure has been put in place to ensure no organization or individual exerts undue influence over this process. Furthermore, all activities of THE PRIZE conform with Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s Basic Law as well as to high social morality standards and professional ethics requirements.

BOCHK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY innovasi priaze’s innovation prizes focus on five fields of science: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Life and Health, New Materials and Energy, Advanced Manufacturing, FinTech. All these areas are crucial to humankind, with Hong Kong having strong technological resources and global connections which makes Hong Kong well positioned to lead these initiatives.

Each year, the Board convenes experts from around the globe to select outstanding scientific researchers or teams for THE PRIZE. Selection criteria include impact and significance criteria. Prize recipients will be honored at a ceremony in December.

The Yidan Prize honors individuals and organisations that make an exceptional contribution to promoting global education, including demographer Wolfgang Lutz of War Child Alliance representatives. John Lee Ka-chiu, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region praised these remarkable individuals and organisations, noting their significant impact on global education; encouraging all citizens to join these noble efforts toward building a brighter future for future generations.


March 2025

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